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ASOS - Ascend

Client: ASOS CC/Saville AV

Sometimes a job comes along where the brief is broad enough and the client brave enough to allow you to really go out on a limb. This project, a 4 minute VR experience for ASOS's Customer Care team was one of those.


The only pre-defined component was the narrative, everything else was up for grabs. The fundamental requirement was to communicate what it takes to be a member of the Customer Care team at ASOS.


This might sound straight forward but working for ASOS CC isn't simply answering phones and dealing with queries and complaints. The ultimate goal of all of CC staff is to take that opportunity of engagement with the customer to transform the customers sense of themselves, what they can be, and ultimately convert these customers into advocates for the company, who will in turn reach out to those that they know and communicate ASOS's core brand values.


This was our take on that process.


If any of these projects has caught your imagination, or you're just interested in finding out more about the studio and what we can do then why not get in touch. Just fill out the form below and we'll get right back to you.


Alternatively why not give us a ring, drop us an email or come along and meet us at our new home at Codebase Edinburgh. Let us know your coming and we'll stick the kettle on.

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